Monday, November 18, 2013

Up- gradation from 2G (second generation) to 3G (third generation) and now current 4G

With the consistent growth in the mobile users, technically mobile (cellular) companies were facing a huge increase in MS Traffic (increase in Erlangen). The more traffic among all these was of data; speaking on the side of the mobile users is INTERNET.

INTERNET or data services has incredibly hold the world of internet on the move, for the fulfillment of the demand 3gpp (third generation participation project) has taken a step forward from the previous 2G. This step was required because the limited trough-put (data rate) of the air interface of 2G. This limitation was because of the limited access of the allotted band and the modulation scheme of the air interface although on the side of the base station BS was never limited with the dedicated E1. This has shown that transmission to the BS was with the capabilities to hold high through put but air-interface was not.

While 3G was in progress for launch, it was for the first time the concept of TDMA (time division multiplexing) was left behind with the new technique of WCDMA which was an enhancement over CDMA. While developing 3G standards before its all release, the concept was to somehow make the air-interface more widen to achieve high throughput to meet the commercial demand. In 3G modulation scheme of high symbol rate were introduced, with QPSK to QAM. In 3G SSM (spread spectrum modulation) was introduced for the first time in mobile communication this has widen the bandwidth associated to a user, providing him higher data-rate for internet access.

Although 3G has provided higher data-rate for internet access including voice but still the service we call DATA ON THE MOVE (DOTM) was behind and people still prefer to have fixed line services for connecting to internet. Fixed line service including DSL lines, OFC, Leased Lines and PTP (micro wave short distance). The weight on the arms of 3G was still high to compete the market commercially and considering all these 3gpp has taken a next step with the release of HSUPA+ and LTE which has triggered the market with more catches of Traffic and has now becoming a wide application part for VPN, a foot step into business.

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