Recently, lower frequencies are given much imortance because they can travel a signal farthest. But this was due to the technology limits not physics.atmospheric absorption is same for all signals whether it is of 50 mhz or 10 mhz.higher frequencies have shorter wavelenghts in the past that was its disadvantage.low cost antennas scaled by wavelenths so shorter wavelenths are meant for smaller antennas.secondly shorter wavelengths are reflectd easily which results in multipath propagations.
Silicon devicescare expected to be more powerful as they are able to decode multiple signals , adjust signal offset and sum them.thus disadvantage of MIMO become its advantage. WIFI will soon to be deployed with WIMAX and LTE.since there is vastly more spectrum available at 5MHZ then the sum of TV white spacing plus licensed WIMAX and cellular spectrum, WIFI capacity will increase.
Electronically steerable high-gain antennas are used in WIFI network to enhance its signal strength. These anteenas reduce interference allowing multiple independent high capacity transmission in the same area. By using affordable wifi routers supporting multiple connections of 200 to 500 mbps each over a distance of one to two kilometres, there will be interesting alternatives.
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